Mike Badger : Workshops

I have worked in Schools and Colleges all over the North West Region , working with recycled and reclaimed materials, in all key stages.(from reception up to A Level students). I encourage the pupils and staff to bring in reclaimed/ recycled user friendly materials from home (or school)
eg: Clothes pegs, string, Bottle tops, Wire, buttons, fabric, small plastic bottles, cotton reels, corks etc.- (basically user friendly bits and bobs), these are placed on a large table and the pupils are encouraged to rummage through and create small ornamental sculptures of animals and insects- looking for resemblances in the shapes and forms ,I provide image sheets as prompts. ( the workshop can also be themed to suit if needs be.)
The resourceful nature of the workshops encourages the participants to reinterpret everyday objects and transform them into something new. This creative process is obtained in a fun, non-academic way and always proves to be very productive. I am on hand to help stimulate and enable the pupils/students to manifest ideas and to stick things together with a glue gun or wire.
The pupils create a body of work that is environmentally friendly, and have been stimulated into thinking about their natural environments, recycling and problem solving in an enjoyable, resourceful and creative way. ( Afterwards the sculptures can be taken home by the individual or displayed as a group.)
If you would like to book a workshop session please email : info@mike-badger.co.uk